Friday 24 September 2010

My first day

The dawn began to break. It was still silent, no birds singing, no one moving around the house...just me, wide awake and anything but tranquil! I was imagining the horror of what I had agreed to do sink in with such coffin-like severity I wanted to run away. I squeezed my eyes shut in the hope I may suddenly fall asleep until it was actually time to wake up and go photograph Emily and Rory's wedding.

This was my very first wedding as the official photographer and I was a nervous mess. I was fretting over breakfast, stomach in such a knot, and then in the car on the way to the church...but then a funny thing happened as soon as I got there I felt calm, in control, and able to roll with the day as it unfolded. Thank goodness it all went well (except stepping in dog poop just outside the church!). I know now that I had to take that terrifying leap to start the fantastic journey I am taking as a wedding photographer. So, with a lot less nerves, but no less excitement and anticipation I am packing my bags tonight for Michelle and Pete's wedding tomorrow.

(this is from Emily and Rory's wedding, which oh so stylish with a proper country feel).

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