Tuesday 12 October 2010

Lets samba

"You've done well natasha your only 45 minutes late"...eek, Im afraid Em is right, it takes me ages getting ready which means Im usually late. I like to cram everything I do into as little time as possible and that means only allowing 20 minutes to get ready on a night out. And girls, you know, that definitely isnt enough time...but come on, this was the first saturday we have been out in like a million years, well maybe not a million but its been a while.

So much so that the fake eye lashes got an outing, and for the last 45 minutes I had been singing (out of tune) and dancing (badly) around the house, changing outfits, changing hair, changing shoes and changing handbags..but in the end, its the same uniform I always wear, skinny jeans, heals and T.shirt - I just created one mountain of screwed up clothes in the process.

So bring on the raucous chatter, good food and happy memories. Here are a few pictures I took...One of the girls remembered me by saying "oh your the photographer - I remember you now". No way she remembers me as the "photographer"? I never really think that I can legitimately call myself that. Im just a girl who has to have a handbag big enough to squeeze a camera in on a night out!

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