Sunday 14 November 2010

Paris: The city I love

We had arrived. Suddenly. Above us was a huge arch of steel girders. People grabbing bags and trolleys. Everything had a blue, grey tinge to it. I was in Paris. It was my first time. It didnt start though as a love affair. For one, it was cold. Like bone chilling cold. For two, I hadnt brought a proper coat. The selection of "outfits" didnt stretch that far, and for three I didnt feel confident enough to try out my pigeon French on Em's friends, so became the quiet girl. Darn.

But as we've been going back year after year, I have got used to the fresh pain au chocolat for breakfast, the Oyster lunches, the cheese overload, crepes at midnight, the walks down the Seine after being out until 3am in the morning, looking at the Eiffel Tower sparkling at night, the sound of Em as he answers the phone to long time friends, the midnight chess, the Sunday morning market, the four floors of stairs to the apartment and the amazingly talented, creative, friendly people. Yes, last weekend we were in Paris, and the love affair has properly started.

Here are some pictures of our time there. I want to try and capture the days and package them up in a parcel so I never forget.


  1. I love these photos, I'm kind of doing the same thing for a project at the moment - trying to catch people doing mundane and natural things..:)

  2. So pleased you love the photographs. I adore this type of shooting. If I could I would take pics of people in the tube and on the street all day. A great book if your interested in this type of thing is Paris Mon Amore by Jean Paul Goutrand. It has all the master candid photographers and is a source of complete inspiration...for me anyway.
