Heres a photograph from Beccy and Pete's wedding that I photographed last year and which feels to me like the celebration I feel like having. Yeay!
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Thank YOU
Oh dear I've just given a little whoop out loud to no one (but the kitten that thinks I am now mad!). Why? Because I've just seen that I had 27 people viewing my website last night. Wow. I cant believe it. I know this is a tiny figure in comparison to all those other pro photographers who Im sure get hundreds of visits every hour but I am really touched. Each one of you 27 people are special to me. Thank you. For taking the time to look at my website, reading maybe some of the things I have written and looking at the photographs I have poured myself into and which I am kinda proud about (in a totally English non-effacing way, naturally), I have made this site for you. I write for you. Every one of you who have told me you read my blog and are interested in what I do - I am humbled. Big Thank You!

Wednesday, 27 October 2010
There he went striding along in the English countryside, commanding voice as he proceeded to explain that the pile of earth he was standing on was in fact the foundations of someone's new home. I heart Kevin McCloud and Grand Designs! There's always the possibility that they wont get the project in on budget and schedule - and usually they dont, but there is a fair amount of tenacity that they have to have which got me thinking about our building project. I was 9 years old at the time. No it wasnt slave labour. My mum bought a home for us which was just short of a roof and three walls.
I dont think I will ever know what it was like to build a house from scratch pretty much single handedly with three kids playing, squabbling, eating and sleeping in the background. I remember that when we came back from school she would always ask us so what is new today with the house? We would then have to wind down the windows of the car and start shouting out our answers as the car drove up to the house, whether it be a roof, doors or a new bit of wall...The hardest one I remember was when the glass went in the windows - but I still reckon that was a trick question because it's transparent!
I guess she just had bucket loads of tenacity and vision to see it all through and create the family home that we all love. Its more than just a house, it has our soul.
Friday, 22 October 2010
Zarah and Mark's wedding
I slowly opened the door and there she was. Her back was to me, so I saw the silhouette of her corsetted dress and train framed against the window. It was a split second moment. In the next she had turned her head round to see me and said I'm so nervous. Coming from someone so clear, decisive and practical the window into her inner self opened. And I knew from there on, for the rest of the day, we were in this together. Her name is Zarah and it was the morning of her wedding day.
Once the boys and guests had disappeared we did some shots of Zarah and her two bridesmaids - I love this shot that I took between formal photographs. Zarah is so full of energy its infectious.
This is an ageless shot, and magical and Zarah arrives at the church.
Wow - here she is being walked towards the church on the arm of her dad. Her dress silhouetted against the arch of the church doorway, and the beauty of the church in the background. Love it.
This is probably one of ,my favourite shots ever. Why. I know it doesnt scream exotic location or dramatic angle shooting...but to me it is a snapshot of who Zarah and Mark are, the moment they exchange rings and before they are officially pronounced man and wife. I adore this shot.
Which was quickly followed by the solemnity of the occasion.
The church itself was gorgeous. When I arrived in the morning there seemed to be about 20 people cleaning, polishing, scrubbing and washing the church in readiness for the ceremony.
This shot I took of Zarah and Mark as they were waiting to signing the register. I love it, better than the traditional signing shot.
I was there to photograph the getting ready - Mark saying he wasnt great in front of the camera and then turning into a pro. The enominaty as Zarah and her dad arrived and walked towards the imposing church, the vows and Zarah's laughter as they exchanged rings. The exuberant walk back down the aisle, and the adrenaline that kicked in and kept them walking down the path. The laughter as their guests piled out of the church and congratulated them, Mark's dad holding the bridesmaid's bouquets, the fun - I know- at the group photographs, and the walk through the village to where the reception was being held with the boys bringing the flowers from the church.
And finally, the moments I glimpsed - two people, who didnt shout about their love but who quietly adore each other. Here's to you both Zarah and Mark and for all the joy and happiness in the world.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Sassy-ness, tunes and fun
I am absolutely bursting! I have just watched the best networking wedding event ever and wish I had been there! Of course that was never going to happen. For one I am far to shy. I know I know, Im not known for being quiet and mouse like. But its true. I get way too over-intimidated by people that are legends and know their stuff in the wedding world. Plus it was, well, in Ammericaaaa. Thats right, Im the first to represent the "Great" of Britain, but oh my goodness, they are about a million years ahead of us in terms of pushing the boundary in weddings...But...I'm hoping from the gorgeous, amazing brides Ive had this year, this may be on the change...lets dare to add a bit of uber coolness, sassiness and fun to our weddings and inject our personality. Yeay, its a party after all!
So after much ado about nothing, here's the link - yeeeha (do they even say that in America??) Oh and, scroll down to the music, switch it on and then scroll back up to the party....and if your reading this in a couple of days, the blog title is called "Hitched Finale"
Here's a sneak peek at my latest wedding where the coolness, sassiness and fun was in full flow!
Wedding ideas
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Lets samba
"You've done well natasha your only 45 minutes late"...eek, Im afraid Em is right, it takes me ages getting ready which means Im usually late. I like to cram everything I do into as little time as possible and that means only allowing 20 minutes to get ready on a night out. And girls, you know, that definitely isnt enough time...but come on, this was the first saturday we have been out in like a million years, well maybe not a million but its been a while.
So much so that the fake eye lashes got an outing, and for the last 45 minutes I had been singing (out of tune) and dancing (badly) around the house, changing outfits, changing hair, changing shoes and changing handbags..but in the end, its the same uniform I always wear, skinny jeans, heals and T.shirt - I just created one mountain of screwed up clothes in the process.
So bring on the raucous chatter, good food and happy memories. Here are a few pictures I took...One of the girls remembered me by saying "oh your the photographer - I remember you now". No way she remembers me as the "photographer"? I never really think that I can legitimately call myself that. Im just a girl who has to have a handbag big enough to squeeze a camera in on a night out!
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Finding your photographer
Its always a bit like a blind date. She says she has long brown hair and I say so do I. We arrange a time and a place to meet, and with this description and a flutter of my heart I arrive. It truly is so exciting to meet my future brides and grooms for the first time.
Yes I will show lots of photographs from recent weddings, will go through the package details, show a sample of the album that I offer but really for me its so important that you get to see me! Because I reckon thats the most important thing when choosing your wedding photographer. Our styles may be different and our packages vary but what is truly unique is the person who will be behind the camera. Will you be comfortable standing in front of them, will you be able to ask all those questions without feeling intimidated, silly or like you are taking up their time and ultimately do they get you as people and a couple. If thats a yes, book them!
So, it was that this week has been filled with seeing (hopefully - cross fingers) my future brides and grooms to be. And with a whoop after chatting weddings, details, ideas for dresses and Cherry gets Married, I was on my way home, with a flutter in my heart and a smile on my face.
Here's a picture from last weeks wedding...the rest to follow in the next couple of weeks, but I love it. Its so evocative. Napkins strewn across the table, drinks on the side half drunk, disco lights being installed, and everyone mingling in the background after their dinner, having a good time.
Saturday, 2 October 2010
It will come
Man I was tired last night, so when my boyfriend came home I collapsed on the mind on the other hand had other ideas, and was working overtime in reminding me what I had to do. And the list was endless. In a slight panic I started writing everything I was thinking down which helped but also made me want to start designing my new sample album, and calling Cosmo magazine then and there even though it was 11pm.
He could see my brain was whirring and said to me it will come. Take care of the small stuff, each day at a time and you will achieve more than your wildest dreams. I was shocked. I never really thought that my dreams could become reality. But there, he said it. And thinking about it, it made sense. Everyone I have seen who has stuck to what they wanted to do, and been tireless in their pursuit of their dream has not only achieved it but succeeded. And thats, my boyfriend tells me, is when you surpass your dreams. So, here's to dreaming, the strength to keep on the path, and the tenacity to grab what you want!

Here's a little cocktail to say cheers to that.
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