Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Merry Christmas
My sister and I always say, its when we hear the coke ad holidays are coming that heralds the start of Christmas. We call each other and shout out. Its Christmas. I love it. Its been harder this year to get into the spirit of Christmas, but the thoughts of going home to wales where my mum will have been cooking for the last month and have a stocked larder and fridge has been like a beacon in the rush of city life. Its sometimes difficult to stop. To think and to remember to be grateful. Because I am. I have a family that I love, a roof over my head. So whilst the electric blinkered and went out on Christmas evening I thought to myself, I am thankful. I am here and its home. Plus extra bonus to mum for organising a second year of snow. Snowboarding and fab snowy photographs. Here are a few shots...Merry Christmas everyone, I hope you had a happy time.
Christmas morning I was up at 8am (La Roux licking my face), and went straight outside to watch the sun rise over the hills.
I love fairy lights, and will always try and shoot wide open (f1.2) to bring the fairy lights out of focus but far more dramatic.
My model brother. Seriously I know I bug him and ask him to pose for me to practice my shooting but he is sooo photogenic.
Monday, 13 December 2010
Kizzy + Myles
Thats it - the VW campervan. With Simon busy washing it. Nervously I approached and said Hi. Was this the right campervan - would the guy think I was crazy. Yes it was the right campervan, and yes he probably did think I was a bit crazy stopping him in the street like that. But, Myles and Kizzy had told me about him and the VW that was going to be taking Kizzy to the church. With a jolly laugh he said hi back and asked about what colour ribbon he should use. And thats how everyone was. Lovely. You could see Kizzy and Myles' family and friends getting involved, wanting to help see these two people off on the start of the married life together. Because thats what they are like. Generous, kind and so warm. Radiating goodness.

I arrived at Kizzy and Myles' flat where Kizzy was busy getting ready. The light bulbs had given up, there were last minute alterations being made to bridesmaid dresses, the flower girl twirling around, sandwiches were being made and in the midst, a calm, radiant Kizzy. And thats how it stayed throughout the day. Just happy. Meeting Myles at the church beaming as he welcomed guests - many who had come from Australia. And just before Kizzy walked down the aisle Myles turned around, and looked at his mum.
From the church to the reception Kizzy and Myles had allowed enough time for some photos of them. Yeay. I am always whooping when this happens. So, far too over ambitiously I suggested South Bank. I will always remember Kizzy walking bare-foot along the pavement, cheers going up, and the biggest smiles ever.
So, here are a few pictures...what a gorgeous affair, full of happiness, details everywhere and Kizzy and Myles - the most perfect of matches. Here's to you both. x
50's prom dress,
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Moma said there would be days like this, Moma said
Why do I cry? Its so silly, these are people I dont know, this is a wedding I have not been at, and these are moments I have not seen myself. And yet I do. Because. Because I feel it. Its in the way they smile, or glimpse at each other. The way she squeezes his bum and then looks up for reassurance. And laughs. This is what a wedding is. And More. Its why each wedding photograph makes me know that I am witnessing a true celebration. Of the couple. Of the family. Of the friends. The joy in the air is palpable. And I get to document that. I will never, I dont think get used to that. I know that when I stumble home (usually past midnight), and my boyfriend is waiting for me. I am talking. Like bouncing off the walls chattering. About the dress. The kisses. The older women - who I have come to adore at weddings. At the way he looks at her. At the way she cries when her brother talks of how they grew up together. And for me. Its when I find a shot that moves me. To crying. Then hopefully I have bottled some of that magic.
What got me started this evening was watching the FANTASTIC videos that sharkpig do. They are based in California, but man, if there was someone here doing the same thing I would want to be knowing them.
Here's a quick pic I took whilst walking down Carnaby Street last week. They always have the best Christmas decorations.
Monday, 22 November 2010
Kizzy & Myles Wedding - sneak peek
Just a quick little message as I have to start the post production of Kizzy and Myles' totally rocking wedding. Think a 1950 prom dress, birdcage veil, jars of sweets, vintage cups and saucers, lots of Australians, lots of Londoners, a VW campervan, and a lot of love.
Info: I took this at 4:30pm GMT on Saturday, so it was getting dark. Like way dark. But I really wanted some natural shot poses. This was taken outside the church entrance. Backlit with a framed yellow light and the blue doorway this was a great location. My settings were:
Kizzy - you were amazing. Really. You were not only gorgeous but seeing you and Myles walking next to the Thames backlit by purple light was magical. And. It was cold and you had bare feet. My future brides have a lot to live up to.
Here's a sneak peek of their wedding which I'll be posting in a couple of weeks. For now, Myles and Kizzy, I hope you are enjoying Sri Lanka and the Maldives! x
1/200, f3.2 and iso 1000. Canon 5DMark II, 50mm 1.2mm lens.
My mindset was that I wanted to have less depth of field than I had for the other group shots that were taken here (as there were just the two of them on the same plane, and blur out the background), make sure that it was sharp ( I was leaning back into the road so Iso was high), and a slow-ish shutter speed. Im not saying this is the right way. It probably isnt. But thats how I took the picture.
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
I choose happiness
I am blessed. Sometimes though, it takes some big things to remember that. In the good times I wish I counted my blessings more. I wish I didnt take for granted all those things that make my life as it is. I know that others are not half as lucky. So, as I am writing this, all limbs intact, all facalties working, surrounded by the support and love of my family and friends, and I make a promise right now. I will be thankful. I will count my blessings. And I will try to be a better person.
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Paris: The city I love
We had arrived. Suddenly. Above us was a huge arch of steel girders. People grabbing bags and trolleys. Everything had a blue, grey tinge to it. I was in Paris. It was my first time. It didnt start though as a love affair. For one, it was cold. Like bone chilling cold. For two, I hadnt brought a proper coat. The selection of "outfits" didnt stretch that far, and for three I didnt feel confident enough to try out my pigeon French on Em's friends, so became the quiet girl. Darn.

But as we've been going back year after year, I have got used to the fresh pain au chocolat for breakfast, the Oyster lunches, the cheese overload, crepes at midnight, the walks down the Seine after being out until 3am in the morning, looking at the Eiffel Tower sparkling at night, the sound of Em as he answers the phone to long time friends, the midnight chess, the Sunday morning market, the four floors of stairs to the apartment and the amazingly talented, creative, friendly people. Yes, last weekend we were in Paris, and the love affair has properly started.
Here are some pictures of our time there. I want to try and capture the days and package them up in a parcel so I never forget.
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Far away places with far away names
Downers Grove, Dunedin, Frederiksberg, they are mystical places which I have never heard of. Together with the likes of LA, Moscow, Paris and New Delhi, they have an air of the unknown, glamorous, foreign. The kind of place that when you step off the plane you know the air tastes different, the houses look different and the post boxes arent red. So, when I looked at my google analytics and saw that someone had somehow found my site and read perhaps a little bit of it from these towns and cities over the last couple of weeks, it feels like me sitting here writing this is somehow connecting with you out there. I am dreaming of what it would be like to live in the places, how you found me, and who you are - bride, photographer, blogger? Awrrh. OK. Enough of the daydreaming. I got me an album to make and some ideas for my next wedding to think of...
Monday, 8 November 2010
Michelle + Pete's English country wedding
There I was standing at the station in the middle of the Surrey countryside. The air was fresh, the sky clear blue with the sun streaming down on me. I hugged myself in optimism for the day that led ahead.
We had a few moments to take some shots just as Michelle had finished getting ready. This is my favourite - a perfect model!
I love this in the moment kind of shot. Michelle is just arriving at the church, framed between the chauffeur and her dad with a breath of wind catching her hair.
During the vows Michelle began to well up, which then caused half the guests to get a little emotional. What struck me was how down to earth it was. A boy telling a girl how much he loved her.
And then the first kiss.
It was great to have their children, Curtis and Phoebe involved too - so when mum and dad walked up the aisle, they did too.
Perfect dappled lighting as I shot this candid picture of Michelle and Pete as the rest of their guests were leaving or had left the Church....a few quiet minutes.
We escaped for a quiet 15 minutes to take some shots. I love it when my brides and grooms set aside some time for some portraits. Im not too formal, but I think as you are looking your best and have hired a pro photographer, make the most of it and have some gorgeous pictures...and a laugh with each other too.
Love this pic too - a friend shouted out to Pete as we were taking the shots, and this ended up being one of my favourite. Its impromptu and captures them both in the moment.

The flowers were perfect. Modern, romantic with a dash of sparkle. Michelle's florist friend Kerry took care of them all...I loved the extra touches too - with flowers framing the cake in vases, at the entrance to the reception and Phoebe's cute white rose tied with a white ribbon.
Brilliant top to the cake no? I want one of these, I love it. I have no idea where they got it from but Ive seen some similar from Paperchase girlies if you like this too.
The speeches. Here's the deal, when your a photographer this can be a tricky time. Look out for the Exit signs, fire hoses, tall centre decorations, wine bottles, and where the light is coming from. If you can, move things that are in the way beforehand...And for the brides - its the long tables which are the best for photography - see this one above, you get such a fab angle you have six people in the shot.
The reception was at Sutton Green Golf Club and the lighting was fantastic. Yes, its official, I love the spot lights. The create a great light for framing shots and creating a kind of film like quality. Also means that I was able to use less flash and not have so high an ISO.
The first dance was great. Love seeing everyone gathered around whooping and clapping Michelle and Pete on.

And the same after the song that Pete sang for Michelle. This moment captures the emotion. What a wonderful day.
Michelle and Pete met at a family event a few years ago. Although they both noticed each other - you know, when there is someone in the room and you see them and they see you...but somehow they didnt quite get to introduce themselves. Michelle knew she wanted to meet the guy who she had seen but not really spoken to, so when Pete called a few days later and asked her out on a date she didnt hesitate to say yes. That was it. They set up home together with their family. I know that the last year has been tough for them both family wise but it was with grace, determination and love that they celebrated whats most important in life. Making the most of the moment and being with the people you adore.
How gorgeous is Michelle?! This is one of the first pictures I took. As I arrived the girls were sorting out Michelle's tiara.
Love this shot of the flowers. Simple, but shows them off perfectly.
Michelle and Pete are made for each other. Michelle is GORGEOUS, kind and generous. And when she's with Pete she truly lights up. You can see she feels safe in his company and enjoys breathing the air around him. Pete is made for Michelle. He is the family protector, the decision maker and the one who no matter what, will be with her and have have her back.
Thank you to you both for allowing me the opportunity to photograph your absolutely beautiful and heartfelt wedding. To meet your families, laugh and cry with you and hopefully capture some of the magic that was in the air on your wedding day...and I hope that some of the magic is sprinkled on the rest of your lives together - as you said Pete, its a marriage thats the celebration! x
The sun just started to come out again as we were wrapping up the pro shot session. You can see the dark clouds framing the Club house as Michelle and Pete are spot lit in the sun.
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